Healthier Idaho Potato Salad with Yogurt, Tahini, and Herbs

What is Freedom?

This 4th of July is a bit difficult for me. I was raised by a strong woman who made sure I was well aware that I knew that I had the ability to be anything that I wanted to be in this life. She made it known that I have the choice and it is that single word that means freedom to me. The choice to marry who you want to, to practice whatever religion calls to you, to live in whatever state that your heart calls from in this big beautiful country, and the opportunity to educate yourself so that you can become whomever you would like to.

That choice, that freedom was taken from half of our population based on a very singular item, gender. The beauty of our country is that we do not have to agree and most of the time we do not, on any singular topic. However, we have raised our children to believe that this is the land of possibility, the best country there is, the most free, yet recently we have gone against that statement and taken away a woman’s choice to do what she feels is best for her. We have abolished her freedom.

The choice to have an abortion is not an easy one. It does not come without thought, consideration and internal debate. We should respect those individuals, both men and women, for choosing that parenthood is not for them for whatever reason they may hold. Bringing a child into this world is a huge responsibility, one that you are bound to for the entirety of your life. If you feel that you can not mentally or physically bear that responsibility than you shouldn’t be forced to.

We are far behind in women’s healthcare and now even farther behind in women’s rights. We do not have mandatory maternity leave nor free birthing centers or medical care but we now have mandatory birth orders, how is that freedom?

There are many of you who will read the above statement and not agree with me but that’s alright, because you have that choice as a citizen of the United States. Choice is freedom. Just remember that as you wave your flag and don your red, white and blue. Choice is freedom.

Now onto the potato salad. These potatoes were smuggled in my suitcase all the way from Idaho! Creamy, tangy and delicious without the mayo! It comes together super quick with just a little bit of prep and has the ability to add whatever herbs or extras you enjoy - mine is diced pickles!

Healthier Potato Salad with Yogurt, Tahini and Herbs

Potato Salad with Yogurt, Tahini and Herbs

serves 4

8 small potatoes, cleaned and cut into bite sized pieces

2 celery stalks, chopped

1 carrot, chopped

2 pickles, chopped

1/4 cup tahini

1/2 cup plain yogurt (regular or greek will do)

1tbs dijon mustard

1 tbs red vine vinegar

juice of half a lemon

1 tsp diced jalapeno

2 garlic cloves, chopped

1 tsp mustard seed, ground

1 tsp caraway seed, ground

Salt and pepper to taste

Handful of fresh herbs (I used basil, parsley, scallion and cilantro)

Toasted sliced almonds

In a large pot of salted water add the cut potato and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat and cook for 8-10 minutes until the potatoes are cooked through. Drain and transfer into a bowl. Add the celery, carrots, pickles, and herbs and set aside.

In a medium bowl combine the tahini, yogurt, mustard, vinegar, lemon juice, garlic and spices, whisking until smooth. Salt and pepper to taste. Add to the potatoes and toss to combine. Transfer to a serving bowl and top with additional herbs and toasted sliced almonds. Enjoy!